Witchever Path, the award-winning audio fiction podcast, is taking a bold step forward with the sixth season by handing over the reins to the audience between the storylines. This is a groundbreaking move that will give the audience a unique opportunity to shape this season beyond the interactivity that Witchever Path is known for.

With the world of independent podcasts becoming increasingly competitive, Witchever Path’s interactive element has been a staple of its flagship show, creating an engaging and interactive experience for its listeners. 

“This season, every story is connected,” said Etienne LaFond, co-creator and Producer of the series. “And it’s not just the engagement from our audience. While there’s often been a loose continuity in our anthology, this particular season is one large arc. It’s our audience, though, that will determine in what direction that arc bends.” 

This is a move that will not only create a more immersive experience but also build a stronger connection between the show and its fans. 

“We are excited to announce that we are evolving the interactive element with our audience,” said Journee, Etienne’s co-founder and partner. “Our fans have been with us from the beginning, and we want to allow them to shape the entire season. We are all about inclusion and interaction, and we believe that this is a unique opportunity to create a more engaging and interactive experience for our listeners.” 

Witchever Path’s sixth season’s first arc, A PIECE OF SOMEWHERE ELSE, concluded on April 6, 2024, and the audience can now VOTE on what kind of story comes next. Although the choices the audience can vote on may seem cryptic. 

“Telling Philip’s story as a close, first-person narrative was fun,” Etienne said, “While we can’t explicitly tell you WHAT is in store until it launches, your choice will launch the story into exciting directions.”

The show’s creators have always been known for their innovative and creative approach, and this is another example of their commitment to pushing the boundaries of audio fiction and podcasts. The audience can vote on what comes next until April 20, 2024, by following this link.


Witchever Path is an interactive horror and dark fantasy anthology where your decisions affect the story. Our tales feature characters finding themselves in the thick of the unknown while tackling issues like class, identity, gender, race, and spirituality. Your part of this is to help our characters make the decisions that either get them through the horror or even leave them there. 

At the end of each episode, listeners are provided with a choice, which they can vote on our website. At the end of the week, we tally up those choices and the majority’s choice determines which episode we release next and lets you see the direct outcome of your intervention. 

Welcome. Listen, vote, and then sleep with a clear consequence.

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