Bonus Episode: Thought Crimes

Early on, in the beginning of Chosen, a recently released Rommel sat down with Kristin McAllister of “Thought Crimes” to discuss the band, his crimes, and the future. Read the transcript here. Featuring:Melissa Geiser as Kristin McAllisterMike Gagne as Rommel Malkin This show was written and produced by Steven and Jas. The song, “Danger Zone” …

The Year of the Squirrel: Witchever Path Turns One

“It wasn’t the year of the Squirrel…” The was how our first protagonist began his tale on January 3, 2019. While it was told in the past tense, the story was an unpredictable walk into the unknown. Both Jas and I had podcasts prior to this, but nothing like this. An interactive story, allowing listeners …