Colick Part Two – Sneak

After the baby monitor’s squelching brought some suspicious whispering to her attention, Makayla decides to sneak into the nursery. But what will she find. Listen to the new episode and then vote below. Your voice actors are: Jas as Makayla Bryan Tylec as Matt Angie Garcia as Daniela Music by Rydr The votes have been …

New Episode, New Story

Here is part one of our brand new story, “Colick.” This is the tale of Makayla, and her struggles with motherhood and the unknown. Listen, digest, and then vote below to decide what path the story should take next. Update: Voting has ended! Our next episode, “Sneak,” will come out on Thursday, March 21.

700 + Listeners

This is getting crazy. We’ve no sponsors, pay for tiny ads that maybe reach a few dozen people, and we focus mainly on the work. But our friends and supporters have been spreading the word and we’re continuing to attract new people to the podcast. Thank you! We’re still launching our new story, “Colick” on …

Episode 4: Let’s Go Get That Son of A…

After our first ever tie, we had a special run-off to find out whether John would follow instructions and stick with the group during the blackout, or head off in search of Mr. O. The debate online was fierce, but in the end John’s anger won out. Also, we have a theme song, courtesy of …